welcome to my blog

welcome to my blog

Senin, 05 Desember 2011

ict tugas

1.How to install this software?
setelah di download dr blog kita membuka file nya yg bernama tts setelah it klik yes at enter pilih folder tts pilih text2 speech maker dikklik muncul folder text to speech diklik klkik text speech mulain menginstal klik next i agree and next kemudian ada kotak kosong diisi nama n code dibuka serial.txt dimasukan nama n code tersebut di koyak kemudian klik ok

2.In what kind of activity can you use this software for Engish Language Teaching?reading aloud n listening

3.How to convert text to speech? klik convert or f8 or f9

4.How to save the file in audio file? file save as

5.What are the weaknesses of this software? monoton n tidak ada variasi kata

6.How to anticipate the weaknesses of this software? ntisipasi dg cara membuat software yg menarik lg

7.Explain the use of every menu in this software!
convert itu mengubah
option ada wav. mp3. vox. reading speed. reading volume
reading aloud untuk memutar suara yg berisi kata kata yg seperti di karaoke katata yg bergerak sesuai ap yg dibaca